Will AI really bring mass unemployment?

Will AI really bring mass unemployment?

First of all, it's bound to happen.
Humans are always lazy. At first, people were too lazy to work, so there was the Industrial Revolution; later, people were lazy to think, so there was artificial intelligence.
Mass unemployment caused by the development of AI is inevitable.

1. AI can do what people can do. If you call 10086 now (December 31, 2019), you will most likely use artificial intelligence voice services. Then the person who was originally engaged in voice reception is unemployed.
2. AI does better than humans. In the next few years, the maturity and application of driverless technology will completely eliminate the driver profession. There are limits to human response speed and emergency capabilities, but robots do not. Even if there are complex calculations that clamp the machine's reaction speed, algorithmic mechanization can solve this type of problem.
Imagine you and I going to interview the clerks of a company.
You say you can work for eight hours in a row, and I say my robot can stand by for 24 hours. You said that you can identify the employees in the factory within a month, and I said that my robot would just look at it. You said that you can accurately record the photos of the in and out of the vehicle. I said that my robot can not only record the photos, but also distinguish the load of each vehicle model, and scan for dangerous goods in the car. You said that you are willing to be open all year round, don't give a full attendance award, a monthly salary of 3,000-, I said I don't even need a salary, only you can spend X yuan to buy my robot, and warranty for Y years.
Although the boss accepted you out of humanity, he will soon find that the access control robot in the next factory is efficient and reliable. As a result, communication security personnel were also eliminated by AI.
But workers are not on a dead end. For example, you are accustomed to the 10086 intelligent voice service, but still want a real person to call you, because the AI ​​lady on the other side is too anxious, and you have no place to complain to him, you can only call Make a bad review after the end, and then go to Zhihu Tucao for a stupid AI robot.
It can be seen that under the circumstances of high flexibility requirements, especially when humanistic care is needed, the human role is irreplaceable. As for AI in novels or movies, except for emotions, which are almost omnipotent, it is conservatively estimated that it will take a hundred years, let alone artificial intelligence with human care.
The words of the family are welcome to refute.

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