What will artificial intelligence bring to education?

artificial intelligence bring to education

If the hot words of the education industry are to be selected this year, there is no doubt that "artificial intelligence" is on the list. In this year's government work report, "artificial intelligence" has also appeared many times. When artificial intelligence meets education, what kind of spark will it spark? 
Personalized learning will become mainstream
Traditional school education can't really teach each child no class and teaching according to his aptitude, but artificial intelligence brings such opportunities. By tracking and recording all the learning processes of students, they find the difficulties and focuses of learning, thereby helping students. Adjust the learning process in time and tailor the learning plan
From the perspective of online education,large-scale personalized learning is posssible with help of ai
"Online education breaks the constraints of time and space and allows the highest quality educational resources at your fingertips, but it still cannot provide accurate personalized learning guidance for students. After combining artificial intelligence with online education, a course with tens of thousands of listeners Through technical analysis, tens of thousands of samples of data were obtained. After comparing personal learning behavior data with others, you can customize your personal learning path and revise the learning content of online courses. "Li Xiaoming said.
In the view of Ni Minjing, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Shanghai Education Commission, in the face of the era of artificial intelligence, school education urgently needs to update its education and teaching concepts. "When the machine realizes massive storage and memory, if school education still only focuses on simple knowledge transfer, letting students memorize formulas, ages, etc., then we are behind. Rote memorization, a lot of problem solving, the machine will certainly kill humans." Ni Minjing said.
Ni Minjing believes that students should be liberated from rote education. In the era of artificial intelligence, one of the main purposes of learning is to cultivate core literacy and abilities that a series of machines, such as analytical ability, practical ability, and cooperative communication ability, cannot help students build a sense of lifelong learning, rather than acquiring simple memory .
Can artificial intelligence replace teachers
Since the advent of artificial intelligence, there has been a theory of artificial intelligence threats, which holds that artificial intelligence will eventually replace humans. An externally released UN report shows that many jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future, including some jobs that are generally considered more professional, such as accounting and doctors. So, will artificial intelligence replace teachers?
"Education is not a product for cultivating production lines. No matter how the technology develops, teachers' preaching, face-to-face communication are essential links for educating people," said Dai Liyi, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice president of East China Normal University.

"The future is an era of" human-computer teaching ". Teachers as a profession will not be replaced, which does not mean that all teachers will not be eliminated. Repetitive and mechanical work can be handed to artificial intelligence, and teachers need to continue Learn, pay close attention to the latest technological progress, and master how to use artificial intelligence technology to analyze cases and problems in the teaching process. "Zhu Yongxin said.
In terms of top-level design, this year the Ministry of Education will launch an artificial intelligence + teacher team building action to explore new paths such as information technology and artificial intelligence to support teacher decision-making, teacher education, education and teaching, and targeted poverty alleviation.
"Facing the challenges of artificial intelligence, teachers should take the initiative to adapt to the changes in information technology, seriously reflect on and evaluate those" machines without humans "capabilities, so as to improve the teaching methods in a targeted manner. Only in this way can artificial intelligence be brought The challenges that have come are transformed into opportunities for traditional education. "Said Wang Xiaofan, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice president of Shanghai University.
Speed ​​up the training of artificial intelligence talents
At present, artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming the focus of international competition. How to cultivate artificial intelligence talents is also a topic that education must answer.
Li Xiaoming believes that the focus of artificial intelligence is on data analysis and decision support. In the future, computer majors in colleges and universities can consider leaning on this part of the curriculum and adjust teaching plans and talent training programs to better meet the needs of industry development.
In the opinion of Luo Weidong, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice president of Zhejiang University, the subject of artificial intelligence has the characteristics of comprehensiveness, cross-cutting, and strong applicability, and universities and colleges are still exploring in terms of specialty and curriculum. At present, it is necessary to further improve the curriculum system and explore a compound talent training model. "In addition to the professional basic courses, it should also cover ethics-related courses to help students establish the correct ethical value orientation." Luo Weidong keenly observed the ethical and moral disputes caused by artificial intelligence, which he believes cannot be done in the training of artificial intelligence professionals. Ignored links.
In recent years, the training of artificial intelligence has gradually moved down. In July last year, the State Council issued the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan", which clearly stated that a smart education project for all should be implemented, artificial intelligence-related courses should be set at the elementary and middle school level, and programming education should be gradually promoted. This year, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and big data processing have officially entered the "new curriculum standard" for high schools nationwide.
In Li Xiaoming's view, the artificial intelligence practitioners in the future do not have to be computer majors, and everyone can master data analysis skills. Therefore, children's computational thinking ability can be cultivated from a young age by promoting programming education, reforming information and technology courses, and other methods.
"Computational thinking, like figurative thinking and logical thinking, should be a must-have for everyone. Computational thinking can help people turn seemingly complex problems into relatively simple problems. Training computational thinking can help people better solve actual problems. Problem, have a stronger ability to adapt to the information society. "Li Xiaoming said.

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