Are AI ready to change the world in the next 10 years? Are you ready?

Are AI ready to change the world in the next 10 years? Are you ready?

In the book "Out of Control", the author Kevin Kelly is full of expectations for the development of artificial intelligence and made a series of bold speculations. He believes that artificial intelligence will be taught to the human world in the next 10-20 years but will be disruptive. Change, everything will become intelligent, artificial intelligence will be everywhere.
Are AI ready to change the world in the next 10 years? Are you ready?
At the same time, the power from the unknown makes people restless, but at a loss. The artificial intelligence button has been pressed, and he will never stop. In my opinion, artificial intelligence will present the following four trends in the next few years:
First: artificial intelligence will be applied in the commercial field on a large scale and enter the consumer market
At present, in China's business field and various business giants in the communications field, they have begun to independently research artificial intelligence products. For example, Chinese communications giant Huawei has released independently developed artificial intelligence chips and applied them to its smartphone products. The full application of business services is opening a new way for large-scale commercial use of artificial intelligence. Perhaps artificial intelligence robots would occupy public places such as shopping malls earlier than they would occupy our living rooms.
Are AI ready to change the world in the next 10 years? Are you ready?

Second: the behavioral cognitive ability of artificial intelligence will reach the level of expert consultants
Gartner's report is listed as an emerging technology that will be mainstreamed in the next 2-5 years, which mainly depends on the improvement of machine deep learning capabilities and the accumulation of big data.
A domestic entrepreneurial team is currently combining artificial intelligence technology with the insurance industry, analyzing and calculating based on the insurance product database to build a knowledge map, collecting insurance corpora, making data reserve for the artificial intelligence question answering system, and ultimately connecting users and insurance products. . This is obviously subversive news for the Chinese insurance market, which is still driven by sales channels, and it may well mean that mass sales staff are unemployed.
the behavioral cognitive ability of artificial intelligence

Regarding the learning ability of artificial intelligence, Kevin Kelly once vividly concluded: "The more people use artificial intelligence, the smarter it is. The smarter artificial intelligence, the more people use it." Just like human expert consultants To a large extent depends on the experience of serving customers, the experience of artificial intelligence is data and the experience of processing data. With more and more people using artificial intelligence expert consultants, artificial intelligence is expected to reach the level of human expert consultants in the next 2-5 years.
Third: Pragmatism of artificial intelligence, smart service
In fact, the first question most people think of when talking about artificial intelligence is: "what exactly can it do?" "What exactly can it be used for?" "What problems can it solve for humans?" In terms of technology application, Chinese Internet companies seem to be more pragmatic.
Pragmatism of artificial intelligence, smart service

After all, artificial intelligence is a pragmatic thing. More and more fields are beginning to be used. Smart screens like Xinghong Media Xinghong Vision is a smart screen based on big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence. "Xinghong Vision" uses the smart screen (CNNHO VU) as a carrier, which is suitable for all consumer scenarios with customer traffic and advertising exposure value. It provides media owners (people who have point resources directly or indirectly) with a point realization opportunity Provide accurate and efficient advertising services for advertisers (people who need advertising).
AI Smart Screen
"Xinghong Vision" is equipped with the CNNHO Eye system, which can sense and capture the explicit label information of the crowd in front of the screen (such as number of people, gender, age, clothing, attention, etc.) and send massive data to the central system —— "CNNHO Cloud".
The CNNHO Cloud summarizes, analyzes, and reconstructs these data to make the audience's portrait gradually clear. Provide strong support for accurate and efficient intelligent advertising.
The smart screen (CNNHO VU) is equipped with the CNNHO
Mix system. Through a simple code scanning action, the audience is introduced into the intuitive consumption scene, and the deep interaction between display and sales is realized. Make ads no longer limited by time, space and dimensions. Advertisers can obtain the attention and interest preferences of effective audiences through Xinghong Media Cloud, so as to carry out accurate and efficient advertising.
Fourth: artificial intelligence will break the traditional intensive industries and change the global ecology
Alibaba's board chairman Ma Yun said at a big data summit this year: "If we continue our previous teaching method, I can guarantee that our children will not be able to find jobs in 30 years." Alibaba Opponent, Liu Qiangdong, chairman of the board of directors of, vowed swearing: "Five years later, robots will deliver to you."
Robots are taking away the workers' jobs. Industries such as manufacturing, which mainly depend on workers, are unavoidably affected by artificial intelligence technology. In the future, a large number of workers will lose their jobs. These are definitely not alarmists. Artificial intelligence will change the world, lead to large-scale unemployment and restructuring of the global economy. You and I will all witness this happen.

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