Medical is almost as broad a term as artificial intelligence, so when you combine the two, knowing where to start can be a challenge.
If artificial intelligence hasn't changed, this article will be the best summary of what we've seen about discussing the development of artificial intelligence that will change the complexity and challenges of the healthcare industry in multiple ways.
Summarizing these opportunities, he said: "The truth is that artificial intelligence ... has the opportunity to transform the industry by increasing the efficiency of the most mundane tasks. In the healthcare field, these routine and repeatable tasks include record keeping (electronic medical records) , Process management and scheduling, and prescription replenishment. "
As for specific details, Amb adi pudi first pointed out that artificial intelligence in the medical field may be used to reduce long waiting times and other logistical problems in hospitals. "For example, an artificial intelligence-driven system can send a question to a doctor or expert who has time when a patient arrives, rather than sending the question directly to the first doctor."
In addition, he noted that one of the most common issues in healthcare today is staffing. Yes, other industries are also having the same problem but in the health care field, not fully staffed would delay patient care, so that people's health and even their lives at risk.
By leveraging internal and external data, hospitals and other medical institutions can benefit from machine learning algorithms and use time series predictions to reveal patterns in the data to predict daily and time admission rates.
According to Ambadipudi, in addition to improving the efficiency of daily processes, artificial intelligence can provide similar help in diagnosis. He explained: "At present, there are many artificial intelligence projects in the medical field around the world that use advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to process multiple health-related data points, such as images, videos, DNA data, lifestyle and diagnostic data. Individual patients create different health management scenarios. Integrating advanced big data technologies to manage and process this data can accelerate the implementation of these initiatives and make them effective. "
Finally, artificial intelligence has the potential to improve treatment outcomes.
"Telemedicine has been around for a while," said Ambadipudi, but "with the improvement of online video conferencing services, smartphones and wearables, telemedicine has become much easier. AI capabilities Integration into a telemedicine platform will help doctors recommend better treatment plans. For example, an algorithm can track every treatment for bronchitis and then ask the patient how long it took to get better. The platform can then use past The success rate is adjusted and recommended. "
As Ambadipudi puts it, healthcare is a huge industry that spans multiple fields, from services and facilities, to equipment and equipment, to insurance, to pharmaceuticals. However, “with realistic expectations and strategic adoption by medical institutions and providers”, this place that may breed chaos may become a place where significant progress is being made every day.